Takeshi FUJITA

Takeshi FUJITA

Patent Attorney
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BiographyTakeshi FUJITA is a registered patent attorney in Japan. He is a graduate of Konan University, where he majored in physics at the Faculty of Science and Engineering. After graduation, he worked in software development for medical device companies. He then joined a Japanese patent firm and was involved in intellectual property (IP) services such as patent prosecution and litigation in Japan and overseas.

He works closely with his clients to advise and support them in achieving strong and broad rights. He also uses his experience in corporate IP matters to help clients obtain optimal rights based on their business plans.

ServicesIP services, including patent procurement and prosecution, research and investigation, trials, appeals and litigation

Practice AreasSoftware, Control, Mechanical Structure

EducationDepartment of Physics, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Konan University

ExperienceNippon Colin Co., Ltd.
Yamato Scale Co., Ltd.
Japanese patent law firm

MembershipJapan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA)

LanguagesJapanese, English

Likes & InterestsWorkout, Driving, Music
