The JPO and METI Have Begun Implementing an Anti-Counterfeiting Campaign
On December 1, 2017 the Japan Patent Office (JPO) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), the agency under which the JPO falls, have launched an effort to restrain the domestic distribution and purchase of counterfeit or pirated products.
In 2016 the JPO conducted a survey on losses caused by the distribution and sale of counterfeit products to companies, and the survey found that one-fifth of all respondents had suffered either in Japan or abroad due to the availability of these counterfeit products.
In order to combat this problem, a public awareness campaign was implemented. This campaign is primarily targeting consumers in their late teens. As part of the program the JPO has set up a dedicated website, will be releasing video clips through a variety of social networking services, and will be holding experience based events throughout the country.